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Akan (Ghana) Speech Rating Evaluator

  • Anywhere, Ghana

CV or resume

Upload your CV or resume file

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Accepted files: PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPEG and PNG up to 50MB.
My information

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Please fill in additional questions

At Likha Careers, we aim to cultivate a diverse and representative data set. By gathering demographic data information, we can help our clients eliminate bias in their AI models, fostering technology that caters to the needs of everyone. While the questions below are not mandatory, your contribution to this diverse crowd empowers us to help our clients develop AI products that are more inclusive, relevant, and accessible for everyone. Rest assured, your data is handled with privacy and security measures in place.

How proficient are you in the Akan (Ghana) language?
Are you fluent in English?
Do you have access to a functional laptop?
Do you have a reliable internet connection?
How did you learn about this job opening?
Legal Agreements

By checking the box, you agree to the terms described below. Legal Age and Work Eligibility You confirm that you are of legal age and possess the legal right to work in the country of your current residency. You understand that any false information provided may result in disqualification from the hiring process. Information Use You consent to the use of your application data for us to provide services of recruiting and placing individuals for potential work assignments with our clients and/or directly with Likha Careers. This information includes your personal details, contact information, education and employment history, and any other information that you provide for application or employment purposes. We will only share your information with our clients who are interested in your application. We will not share your information with any other third parties without your consent. Equal Opportunity Our company provides equal opportunity for work to individuals from all walks of life. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other legally protected status. We encourage all qualified applicants to apply for our job openings.